Dry food
There's a jar with dry food near the food bowls. Dry food goes into the left bowl. Just make sure the bowl is full once a day.

If the jar is empty - there's more dry food in a cupboard under the sink.

Wet food
Also under the sink. We usually give half-a-pack every day, the second half put in the fridge.

Wet food goes into the right bowl. If there're some leftovers from yesterday - throw it away into the trash bin and wash the bowl.
There are two glasses with water: one next to the sink in the kitchen, another - in the bathroom between washbasins. Simply refresh both glasses every time.

Bonus points - drinking from hand. Just come into the bathroom and if Timon will follow you and jump on a cabinet (between washbasins) - that's a signal! Open the water tap (warm-ish) and let Timon do the rest ๐บ
Bags for poops on the table in the kitchen or in the cupboard. The shovel is on the underside of the toilet lid.

Check the toilet every time you come. Usually we clean it once every two days.